Healing Centered Coaching 2.0

Advanced Coach Training Program

Since it’s launch in 2021, the Blooming Willow Conductors Community Coaching Certification program has trained over 200 students to become International Coaching Federation Certified Coaches. During that time, our model has continued to evolve and improve as we serve more and more Changemakers each year. To support this evolution, we are offering an advanced learning opportunity for graduates of our Conductors Program as well for other ICF Certified Coaches.

Healing Centered Coaching 2.0, is a 3-month advanced coach training program that supports certified and seasoned coaches to reintroduce themselves to coaching basics as they learn Blooming Willow’s Healing Centered Coaching Model. During this powerful offering coaches will engage in weekly interactive virtual classes with Master Coach Leslie Avant-Brown and participate in monthly Group Mentor Sessions with ICF Accredited Mentor Coaches. Participants of this program will be eligible to earn up to 18 International Coaching Federation CCEUs and 3 Group Mentor Hours.

Advanced Coaching Program Overview

Program Dates:

3-Month Program

Friday, September 6, 2024 to

Friday, November 22, 2024


Meets Weekly from:

11:00 AM – 12:30 PM PST 

Program Cost:

$2000  (Flat Fee)

(Financing & 2 Payment Plan Available)

Additional 1-on-1 Mentoring or Coaching Available with Coach Leslie Avant-Brown: Up to 4 Sessions: $300 Per Session.

Program Requirements:

  • Complete and Submit Program Application

    To ensure that there is a baseline of knowledge and experience of students in the cohort, applicants should have one of the following prerequisites:

    Alumni of Blooming Willow Conductors Coaching Certification Program

— Or —

Certified and Accredited International Coaching Federation Coach 

— Or —

Certified Non-Accredited Social Justice/Liberation Coach 

— Or —

Seasoned Coach with 5 or More Years Experience + Some Coach Training 

Program Session Overview

Month 1: Model Review & Core Competencies

  • September 6, 2024 – Healing Centered Coaching Model & Core Competencies

  • September 13, 2024 – Enhancing the Coach’s Stand & Somatic Pausing

  • September 20, 2024 – Supporting Safety & Relationship Building

  • September 27, 2024 – Group Mentor Session

Month 2: Pausing, Aligning I & Aligning II

  • October 4, 2024 – Customizing Visioning & Guided Visualizations

  • October 11, 2024 – Expanding the View Series

  • October 18, 2024 – Challenging Limiting Beliefs that Loop

  • October 25, 2024 – Group Mentor Session

Month 3: Aligning II & Acting

  • November 1, 2024 – Working with the Internal Community – Internal 

  • November 8, 2024 – Working with the Internal Community – External

  • November 15, 2024 – Deepening Healing Centered Accountability

  • November 22, 2024 – Group Mentor Session

Benefits of Healing Centered Coaching 2.0

Participating in a Blooming Willow Healing Centered Coaching 2.0 will allow participants to pause and take the time to gain deeper knowledge of self, enhancing clarity around how to navigate coaching more intentionally going forward. Other positive outcomes include:

  • Building advanced Healing Centered Coaching skills to support short and long term client engagement.

  • Deepening understanding of Blooming Willow’s 30 Healing Centered Coaching Competencies that support growth and healing.

  • Building core and Healing Centered Coaching skills and confidence through peer coaching practice and group mentoring.

  • Enhancing the ability to support individual and collective growth and healing by using Pause as a liberatory practice.

  • Strengthening ability to facilitate Blooming Willow’s Healing Centered Coaching Model using a client centered approach.

  • Building a powerful community of peer Changemakers supporting growth and healing around the world.

Program Topics Overview

September 6, 2024 – Healing Centered Coaching Model & Core Competencies:

Dive into Blooming Willow’s Healing Centered Coaching Model with a full review of the model and a brief review of the 30 Competencies. During this session, we will spend time practicing the core coaching skills to rebuild a solid coaching foundation. 

September 13, 2024 – Enhancing the Coach’s Stand & Somatic Pausing:

The Coach’s Stand serves as your coaching fingerprint and as you evolve so does your Coach’s Stand. During this session, we will spend time exploring the evolution of your Stand and practice new and innovative somatic Pause practices that can support you and your clients to grow and heal. 

September 20, 2024 – Supporting Safety & Relationship Building:

The coaching relationship serves as the container that is used to support the coach client before, during, and beyond the session. During this session, we will have an opportunity to explore tools that coaches can use to support safety and build long term relationships with clients. 

September 27, 2024 – Group Mentor Session:

These sessions serve as an opportunity to practice with peers and receive verbal feedback from ICF Accredited Coaches. 

Month 1

October 4, 2024 – Customizing Visioning & Guided Visualizations:

Visualization and Visioning serve as powerful tools to support clients to explore possibility from a place of curiosity. During this session, we will explore tools that support coaches to develop customized visioning and visualization activities for their clients. 

October 11, 2024 – Expanding the View Series:

Expanding the View support clients to gain clarity about their current perspective and explore other perspectives. During this series, we will explore how this competency can be used to support a series of sessions with a client exploring and testing multiple perspectives over time. 

October 18, 2024 – Challenging Limiting Beliefs that Loop:

Limiting Beliefs serve as internal mental barriers that prevent our clients from moving forward. As coaches supporting clients over time, you may have noticed Limiting Beliefs that loop during multiple sessions. During this session, you will learn strategies to support clients to move beyond looping beliefs. 

October 25, 2024 – Group Mentor Session:

These sessions serve as an opportunity to practice with peers and receive verbal feedback from ICF Accredited Coaches.

Month 2

Month 3

November 1, 2024 – Working with the Internal Community – Internal:

The internal community serves as internal support for each of us as we navigate life. They provide us guidance, insight, and advice on how we should make decisions about our futures based on our past experiences. During this session, we will learn to work with the internal community using the client as a guide to gain information and insight about the community.   

November 8, 2024 – Working with the Internal Community – External:

The internal community serves as a wise council that can provide insight to support us in considering multiple perspectives as we consider moving forward. During this session, we learn to work with the internal community as a wise council that can support exploration, discovery, and decision making.

November 15, 2024 – Deepening Healing Centered Accountability:

Healing Centered Accountability supports clients to jump into action while also preparing for the journey as a Changemaker. During this session, we will navigate strategies to identify, encourage, and support Healing Centered Accountability for our clients.

November 22, 2024 – Group Mentor Session:

These sessions serve as an opportunity to practice with peers and receive verbal feedback from ICF Accredited Coaches.


Program Faculty